

In the video for week one, Kevin highlights John 5:17 where Jesus says, "My Father is always at work to this very day, and I too am working." This verse is key for understanding God's kingdom. Jesus is always at work in our lives to untwist what is twisted. In so doing, he brings God's kingdom to us.

If you aren't able to be in a Kingdom Group, the discussion questions for the week one video are below. Consider watching the video then talking through them with your spouse, a friend or another family member. You can also check back to this blog during the week for more thoughts and discussion.
1.    What is your favorite Bible story and why?
2.    What kind of things did Jesus do when he met people?
3.    When you talk with people, what are the things that they like to talk about most?
4.    What things seem to be the biggest issues in their lives?
5.    In John 5:17 Jesus says that God is always at work. In what ways have you seen God meet people?
6.    What is your faith story?  What has been instrumental in shaping your faith?
7.    This week pay attention to the people with whom you come in contact.  Can you see where God’s Kingdom might be at work?


Reader Comments (1)

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on question 4. As you talk to people, what do you find to be the biggest issues in people's lives?

For me, I've heard a lot about managing a busy family schedule, stress and health issues.
January 16, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMarty

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