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 In week three, the big idea is this: It's good news when God comes into our lives. 

If we believe God is perfect and holy, all-powerful and all-knowing, then it could be troubling to know he comes into our lives. A good analogy would be to think about how you feel when you're with someone who is much better at something than you are. You want to be happy for them, but their presence in your life also exposes your shortcomings and weaknesses. If finite human beings expose our inadequacies, how much more when the infinite God comes into our lives?

Yet when God does come in Jesus, his mission was not to condemn the world but to save the world (John 3:17). Jesus coming into our lives is good news because he comes not to ridicule us for sin, but to take away our sin. He comes to make our sin his sin, our guilt his guilt, and our shame his shame (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through faith in Jesus, God gives us the same welcome, love and blessing he gives his own Son (Matthew 3:16-17).

The goal of the video and discussion questions this week is to consider how God brings good news into our lives, and how we might bring good news into the lives of others.


  1. What is the best news you have heard recently? Why was it such good news?
  2. Do you think most people think it is good news when God shows up in their life? Why or why not?
  3. Why do people confuse Christianity with being a good person?
  4. Why is the good news of Jesus unique?
  5. Talk about a time when the good news of Jesus became more meaningful to you.
  6. Can you think of anyone in your life that could use some good news?
  7. Did you see the kingdom at work around you this week? If so, where?

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