

Emptiness.  Longing.  The desire to have more.

It’s interesting that the New Testament author Paul used words like these to describe sin.  We usually say we sin because of our evil desires.  Paul said that because we sin, we are left empty and full of desires - that these desires are a what happens when we chase after worldly things - we end up unsatisfied, discontent, longing for more.

That hedonism disappoints is fairly obvious to us who have indulged our desires.  Many religions and philosophies have come up with ways to avoid these evils in our lives.  They promise delayed gratification - we will be better if we learn to live with less now.  Paul said that this is wise, but will not “satisfy the body” (Colossians 2:21-23).  We need something more.

For Paul, that something was Jesus.  We have instant gratification in Jesus.  We are forgiven, reconciled to God, and free from accusation (Col. 1:14, 22).  The completeness, contentment, and fullness that Jesus gives us results more and more in gentleness, patience, peace, and love.  You can’t live like that unless you are satisfied.

This is quite different.  I’m not sure exactly how to find contentment for all my longings in Jesus, but I know I want to, and at least I know where to look.

- Pastor Luke

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