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March Madness may be my favorite time of the year, sports-wise.  I love watching the effort as young men give everything they have to gain the victory; seeing the joy as teammates jump around the floor celebrating another win.  But reality dictates that in the end only one team will be able to jump in celebration.  But I guess that is what makes the victory so special, the possibility of losing.  But there are some losses that are worse than others.
In Psalm 21 King David wrote these powerful words about victory.

“O Lord, the king rejoices in your strength.  How great is his joy in the victories that you give!”

In the coming days I will be celebrating the greatest victory that I will ever be a part of.  Jesus conquers death and brings victory to the very place where losing would be most painful, my own grave.  But there are other victories to celebrate as well; like the victory that comes from living a day without an addiction that has plagued me, whether that addiction is chemical or an addiction to negative and judgmental attitudes; like the victory that comes from fighting with my spouse and getting through that fight to forgive each other; like the victory that comes from hearing the whispers about how bad I am and instead believing the voice of Jesus who calls me forgiven; like making the time in a busy schedule to care about someone in need just because it is the right thing to do.  How great is my joy over the victories that God gives.  And make no mistake about it; these are victories that God gives in my life.  There are victories out there in front of me, victories yet to be won, victories that are mine in the great strength of the One who is victory personified, Jesus.  Here’s to victory in my life and in yours.

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