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How I want to find some for my life, my fears and my mind. I have
run through a great number of things in my life that I believed, or at least
hoped, would bring the kind of peace that I long for.

Go with me to the Gospel of Luke chapter 19. The chapter begins with the
story of a wealthy, outcast named Zacchaeus. The Bible records that “he
wanted to see who Jesus was.” He had so much; money, security and a
position of power, and yet it seems he was seeking peace.

Chapter 19 ends with the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a
colt on His way to the cross. During His journey He pauses to look over the
“city of peace,” that is what Jerusalem means. He stops and weeps because
the city, the people, the nation is about to miss the very thing that will
finally bring it peace. For all of its armies, all of its grandeur, for all
of its religious acts, it/they were about to miss peace as He walked in
their midst.

While I struggle to grasp the truth of Luke 19, it seems that peace is not a
feeling, but instead is a person. Zacchaeus found that person while
Jerusalem missed Him. And so I find myself wanting to be where Jesus is.
While I know that Jesus is everywhere, I also know that there a few places
where I can find Him without question. He is in the splashing water of
Baptism, in the simple bread and wine of communion, in the words of the
Bible and where believers are gathered together. And so I take great
comfort, and even find some peace, in the truth that Jesus comes to me and I
don’t need to manufacture peace. Come what may, there is peace in the truth
that Jesus comes my way and into my life.

- Pastor Kevin

Reader Comments (1)

i was looking on the internet for churches in anthem because i have been feeling very lost and empty and have realized that i have been walking down the wrong path. i came to this website and started reading these blogs and realized what im looking for, im looking for peace. this blog hit home because i never thought of peace in that way i was thinking that peace was a feeling, a feeling of relief a feeling of self happiness, but peace is not a feeling peace is having god in your life and trusting that he is there even when your feeling alone its than when i realized that im not alone i was never alone i forgot that to have true happiness is to have god in your life because than you will have everything.so thanks for having this blog it truely helped me.my sister ,my mom and i will be joining the worship this sunday.
August 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternicole

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