
We're Back!

It has been one week since our team has returned from New Orleans, and I just can’t get out of my head how much still needs to be done.  Not just cleaning up the mess, but restoring faith and community.  It’s shocking as I go through the pictures that were taken that this was 6 years ago, yet to the people living there it seems like yesterday.
 My new friend, who goes by the name Houston, put this trip into perspective for me as he thanked me for coming, “ You didn’t have to come here Mrs., but we're sure glad you did.  Even if you only pulled one nail out of the wall that is one less than I would have to.  God’s got plenty of people He could’ve sent and He chose you to be here today”.  
Our team worked on a house in the 7th ward.  The owner, Mr. Lyle and his wife have been living in a FEMA trailer since September 2005 right next to the house he grew up in as a child.  We spent 2 days putting the finishing touches on their home and we were happy to learn that they are now moved in. 
These little moments with people let us know that New Orleans wasn’t about the number of people displaced or dead, but it was about actual people, one at a time, each with a different story to tell. Each and every story touched us in some way that brought us vividly into New Orleans as these residents saw it, post  Katrina.  Stories about duct taped refrigerators,  stray animals roaming the streets, about love and loss.  We left New Orleans with our hearts swelling with love for the people there.



Mission Trips to New Orleans & Guatemala

Mission Trips 2011

Just about everyone who goes on a mission trip to serve people in need comes back saying, "I thought I was going to bless others, but I am the one who was blessed."  Why is that?  There may not be an answer other than to experience it yourself.  This year we are sending teams to New Orleans and Guatemala.  If you are interested in what a trip like this can look like, check out this VIDEO.

New Orleans (June 5th - June 11th)

After six years of recovery, huge needs remain.  We will be working with an orginization called Camp Restore.  Participants will be involved in a variety of things.  Those with construction skills may do things like working on homes, parks, and other sites.  Others with no construction skills may do things like visit nursing homes, assemble care packages, or clean up areas.  For more information, check out this FLYER.

For more information about New Orleans, contact Laurie Smith -

To reigster (with the option of payment), click HERE.

To donate towards the trip (with the option of donating specifically to an individual), click HERE.


1.2 million homes needed in housing crisis.  We will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Builds to build small homes in a mountain village.  No construction experience is necessary, just a willingness to serve.  Building the village will be Monday-Friday and weekends will consist of free time.  Room accomodations will be shared at a nice hotel.  For more information, check out this FLYER.

For more information about Guatemala, contact Ottis Smith -


November Easy Out

Even the youngest of our church learn generosity through our monthly service projects.  At November's Easy Out over 150 sack lunches, 150 toiletry bags and 200 blankets were given to homeless people in downtown Phoenix.  Through these items and the participants generosity, hope was also given.  Maybe more importantly, our own hearts were changed through this experience.  As one of our confirmation students, Madison Tufte expressed, "it was freaky when we first got out of our cars and all these people started appearing from out of nowhere.  At first it was scary.  The longer we were there the easier it was.  If I went back again I wouldn't be afraid because I know that we are really helping people who need it."


Holidays Are A Time For Sharing



During this time of the year we would like to team up with the Foothills Food Bank to try to make the holidays a little brighter for those that have fallen on hard times.  You can help in this endeavor by donating turkeys and fixin’s, toiletries, toys for the children and even the bare necessities. 

40% of the Foothills Food Bank recipients live in Anthem.

 Our Hispanic neighbors use food other than the traditional sweet potatoes and turkey stuffing.  They enjoy rice, corn, tortillas, and salsa with their turkey. Thank you once again for your generosity!  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Laurie Smith, or 602-319-8680. 

Sample Dinner Menus

 Dinner #1
$20 grocery gift card for Turkey or Ham

Potatoes & Gravy

Dressing Stuffing Mix

Canned Vegetables

Cranberry Sauce



Dinner #2
$20 grocery gift card for Turkey or Ham

Posole (Hominy Soup)

Rice & Beans

Canned Vegetables

Tortillas & Salsa




Cross of Christ teams with Habitat for Humanity & Thrivent Builds

 Over 40 people and their guests from Cross of Christ have contributed in the labor of building home for Heather Turner and her son in New River.  The labor of these kind people has given the Turner's a chance to live in safe, affordable housing.  Thanks should also be given to Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Builds for providing this opportunity for our church to serve our Lord.

As you will see from the photo gallery it takes people of all kinds to build a home that is filled with love.

Photo Gallery