Core Beliefs

 At Cross of Christ we understand we live in a world that is constantly measuring us, keeping score, and judging all kinds of things about us.

That is why we are so committed to sharing God’s grace with the people we come in contact with. We believe that God is not keeping score in our lives, and that, in Jesus, He loves us completely. That is grace, and that is what we are all about.

We are also committed to connecting people to Jesus in a personal relationship. We know that for many people, religion is about a set of rules. We want to let you know that Cross of Christ is excited about your relationship with Jesus. We want you to know Jesus, personally.

Cross of Christ also understands that people are looking for answers to life’s tough questions. We believe that we have something that not only can help us in our lives, but that can have a lasting impact on our lives. We love and use the Bible at Cross of Christ.

We also understand that daily life can be busy, stressful and draining. With that in mind, we design our weekend worship to inspire, comfort and fuel you for the coming week. Come hear what God has to say about His love for you and your life for Him.

Mission Statement

Cross of Christ exists to connect people to Jesus. We are committed to: Knowing Jesus, Being the People of Jesus, Doing the Work of Jesus.  

Want To Know More?

Come to our next Get Connected Class.  We provide snacks and childcare on a Sunday from 2-5pm as we talk about what we believe and field questions.  Classes are usually offered three times a year.  You can sign up by contacting