If you are interested in baptism, the information below is simply a starting point, there is much to learn about Jesus, the faith, and the church.  Baptism is not about how much you know, but who you know.  We encourage you to contact us to schedule a baptism or ask any questions you may have.




Why Should Someone Be Baptized?

Baptism connects people to Jesus' love, mercy, and life.  Shortly after the first Easter, about 3,000 people were baptized when they heard the news of Jesus' death and ressurection.  Baptism was the way for those people to connect with what Jesus had done for them.  Ultimately baptism gives us hope that even when life is uncertain, we have a sure connection to Jesus.

Can Anyone Be Baptized?

Yes.  Everyone from infants to the elderly are welcome to be baptized.  God is the one at work in baptism, "uniting us with Jesus" and, "freeing us from sin." (Romans 6:3-7)

What's a Baptism Day?

Every year at Cross of Christ, usually in the spring, we have a Baptism Day where we celebrate the meaning and gift of baptism.  It's a great opportunity for people who would like to be baptized in a group setting.